Ihor Kratkovskyi, Ernest Yefremov, Kostyantyn Ishchenko, Sergo Khomeriki. X-ray diffraction method application to assess the energy losses on explosive-rock contact under various blasting

Geoteh. meh. 2020, 154, 103-111




1Ihor Kratkovskyi,1Ernest Yefremov, 1KostyantynIshchenko, 2Sergo Khomeriki

1Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2Mining Institute named by G. Tsulukidze

Language: English

Abstract. The dissipative energy losses of the explosion on the explosive-rock contact are usually evaluated with comparative analysis of the particle size distribution of finely dispersed fractions (0-100 microns). The more tiny particles contained in the destruction products, the higher there is a level of energy loss during the explosion. Fine dust granulometric characteristics are determined by processing the mass measurements data of the individual smallest particles sizes when decoding microphotographs obtained by a microscope. However due to the chromatic aberrations due the wave nature of light and the optical systems imperfection, it is not possible to reliably estimate the mass and granulometric characteristics particles of micron size. X-ray diffraction method for studying ultrafine rock fracture products makes it possible to estimate the dissipative energy losses on explosive-rock contact based on the reflected X-ray beam total intensity in diffractograms. In order to establish the effectiveness of methods for reducing the level of dissipative energy losses of an explosion, X-ray diffraction patterns of finely dispersed fracture products of rock samples under various conditions of dynamic loading are analyzed (using different charge designs, attenuating the rocks by the action of a surfactant, and the force action of a different gradient stress field).


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