Grygorii Gasii, Olena Hasii, Vita Klimenko. Testing of the combined structural elements of support of a mine opening

Geoteh. meh. 2020, 154, 51-58



1Grygorii Gasii, 2Olena Hasii, 2Vita Klimenko

1Sumy National Agrarian University, 2Poltava University of Economics and Trade

Language: English

Abstract. The stress-strain state of test specimens of the new combined system of support of a mine opening under imposed loads is studied. The test specimens are compound modular elements of the offered earlier combined system of support. Every single modular element is the regular quadrangular pyramid, consisting of a reinforced concrete slab and steel tube web members. The slab and web members are gathered in a complete element while concreting the slab. The tension sensor’s method of experimental research is applied to the test of specimens. The test of specimens is carried out under the load imposed with a hydraulic press. The load is set so that to imitate service conditions, including the most adverse. Design features of the offered support and test specimens are presented. Details of the support and its elements, sizes, production technology and assemblies are briefly described. The test methodology of specimens and the analysis of the results are presented. The load-carrying abilities of test specimens under the concentrated force and uniform load are obtained. Break down of slab and connection between the web members and the slab are the results of the test of the specimens under the concentrated force and the uniform load respectively.


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