Bilogub O. I.? Soloviev G. I., Bachurin L. L., Sergienko A. I., Fedorenko M. V., Kozir S. V. Development of criterion for formation of roof rocks falling in the coal faces

UDC 622.831

Bilogub O. I. (SHEI “DonNTU”)

Soloviev G. I.,  Ph.D. (Tech.) (SHEI “DonNTU”)

Bachurin L. L., Ph.D. (Tech.) (SHEI “DonNTU”)

Sergienko A. I., Ph.D. (Tech.) (SHEI “DonNTU”)

Fedorenko M. V. (SHEI “DonNTU”)

Kozir S. V. (Mine" Trudovskaya "GE" DCEC")

Annotation. The paper presents analysis of roof rock fall formation in the stopes basing on generalization of geological sections along the length of the coal face and measurements of the fall domes at different lithological compositions of the roof rocks. Analysis of the roof stability criteria revealed difficulties in obtaining correct data for performing calculation basing on criteria existing at the moment. A mathematical model of the roof rock fall formation in the stopes was created with the help of a “Solidworks” program complex. The findings allowed to specify a criterion of the roof rock fall, which included the latest developments of energy theory on fall criteria.

A numerical value for the criterion of the roof rock fall in the stope of the DP Stakhanov Mine, GP "Krasnoarmeyskugol", was specified by the method proposed by the authors in this paper.

Keywords: effective surface energy, inrush, stability, layer thickness.


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About the authors:

Bilogub Oksana Iuriivna, doctoral Student of State higher education institution "Donetsk National Technical University" (SHEI “DonNTU”), Donetsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Soloviev Gennadii Ivanovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Associate Professor State higher education institution "Donetsk National Technical University" (SHEI “DonNTU”), Donetsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Bachurin Leonid Leonidovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Associate Professor KII State higher education institution "Donetsk National Technical University" (SHEI “DonNTU”), Krasnoarmeisk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sergienko Aleksandr Ivanovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Associate Professor KII State higher education institution "Donetsk National Technical University" (SHEI “DonNTU”), Krasnoarmeisk, Ukraine.

Fedorenko Michail Victorovich, Master of Scienses (Tech.) Krasnoarmeisky Industrial Institute SHEI "Donetsk National Technical University" (KII SHEI “DonNTU”), Krasnoarmeisk, Ukraine.

Kozir Sergei Victorovich, postgraduate student of the Institute of Physics of Mining Processes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IPMP, NASU), foreman OP "Mine" Trudovskaya "Gosudarstvnennoe enterprise" Donetsk Coal Energy Company "Doctoral, Donetsk, Ukraine.