Matjushkina O.P. Conformities to the law of distribution and material composition of decorative varieties of upper-jurassic marble limestones of crimea
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2013
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2013, Issue 112
UDC: 553.548:553.551.1:552.1
O.P. Matjushkina, Doctoral Student
Revealing of laws of distribution for marbled limestones in Rocky Crimea is one of the fundamental problems in regional geology, which allows to reconstruct conditions of their formation, which, in its turn, allow to ensure the reliability of prospecting and evaluation works for decorative stones. We used such research methods as generalization of geological information on marbled limestone all over the world and simulation the results of gemological researches considering genetic peculiarities of barrier reefs formation. Ornamental varieties of Crimean Upper Jurassic marbled limestones are presented by cryptogenic, clastogenic, coral, and organo-clastic phytogenic genetic types. Its formation took place on the background of general uplift of the shelf zone and, as a result, the physical and chemical disintegration of the barrier reef with further cementation of sediments. The results of researches allowed us to develop a scheme for subdivision and correlation of Crimean Mesozoic carbonate strata, and to develop the geological and industrial quality criteria for evaluation of marbled limestone ornamental varieties.
marbled limestones, stromatolites oncolites, calcareous algae
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About the author
Matyushkina Oksana Petrovna, Doctoral student, State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University" (SHEI «NMU»), Deparnment of Geology and mineral exploration, Doctoral student of Department of Geology and mineral exploration, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .