Bokiy А.B. Estimation of environment-friendly operation of the working areas in the coal mines

UDC 622.411.332.001.57

А.B. Bokiy, Doctoral student


Abstract. Issues of ecological estimation of the coal mines operation are considered. Conformities to the law were determined for changes of mean values of methane-bearing capacity of the working areas in the quazy-stationary periods of dynamics of the ventilation system development with taking into account application of different degassing facilities. On the basis of these conformities to the law the criterion is proposed for complex estimation of environment-friendly functioning of high-performance working areas in the coal mines including actual methane-bearing capacity of the area, volume of methane drained by degassing facilities and methane concentration in the outgoing air stream. A method is proposed for determination of this criterion in the mines producing coal and methane.

Keywords: CMM, environment-friendly functioning, degassing of the working area, pumpdown, air distribution.


1. Statutory broker of Ukraine from industrial safety, labour protection and mountain supervision (2010), NPAOP 10.0-1.01-10. Pravila bezpeky u vugilnikh shakhtarh [ NPAOP 10.0–1.01-10 Rules of safety in coal mines], Kiev, Ukraine.

2. Ministry health care of Ukraine (2002), DSP Derzhavni sanitarni pravila i normi (pidpriemstva vugilnoi promislovosti) [SSP State sanitary rules and norms (enterprises of coal industry)], Кiev, Ukraine.

3. Rukovodstvo po proektirovaniyu ventilaciyi ugolnikh shakht [Guidance on planning of ventilation of coal mines], Osnova, Kiev, Ukraine.

About the author

Bokyy Alexander Borisovich, Doctoral student of State Higher Educational Establishment «The National Technical University» of Ukraine (SHEE «DonNTU» Ukraine), Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.