Alabyev V.R., Bokiy B.V. Estimating of potential risks associated with the coolants used in mine and methods of their prevention

UDC [622.42/.44:536.24].001.57

V.R. Alabyev, Ph.D. (Tech.), Senior Researcher,

B.V. Bokiy, D. Sc. (Tech.)

(PAS « A.F. Zasyadko mine»)


Potential risks associated with the coolants used in the coal mines are considered. Hazard properties of the R22 coolant which is currently widely used are described, and potential dangers of its thermodynamic properties are analyzed. Key risks are classified which could influence on the vital functions of people and safety operation of the mine in result of uncontrolled breakdown of the refrigeration equipment, and examples and reasons of such emergency situations are described. Basic conditions for occurrence of the coolant dangerous concentrations in the tunnels, influence of the coolant leakages on the mine ventilation safety and potential dangers caused by kinetic and potential energy of the cool-bearer and cooling water are studied. The findings revealed conditions which could ensure permissible levels of freon concentration in air of the mines both in case of rated coolant leakages from the refrigeration equipment and in case of emergency leakage through the safety valves or due to the lost sealing in the coolant system. Realization of the proposed measures on removal of the mentioned damages can increase  labour safety for underground miners.


heat-exchange processes, blind drift, coal mines, conditioning of mine air, cool-bearer.


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About the authors:

Alabiyev Vadim Rudolfovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Senior Reseacher, Deputy Director of PAS «Mine named A.F. Zasjadko», Donetsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bokiy Boris Vsevolodovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), Deputy Director of PAS «Mine named A.F. Zasjadko», Donetsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.