Trofimov V., Kavera A. Regulation of air distribution in the ventilation system

UDC 622.453.012.2


V. Trofimov, Ph.D. (Tech.), Associate Professor,

A. Kavera, Ph.D. (Tech.), Associate Professor



The article analyzes the laws regulating air distribution at parallel ventilation connection. To determine the laws regulating the air distribution, graphic-analytical method and computer simulation of ventilation systems are used. The graphic-analytical method is based on the defining of ventilation modes in individual branches with the help of reduced and aerodynamic characteristics. Conditions for forming ventilation modes for separate branches and parallel connections in general are considered. Possible consequences after negative regulation of the air distribution (increase of aerodynamic resistance in one of the branches of the parallel connection) are analyzed. It was found that regulation of air distribution was more effective in that ventilation system where branches of parallel connection had smaller absolute values of aerodynamic resistances.


ventilation system, regulation, air distribution, computer simulation, properties of the ventilation system.


  1. Trofymov V.O., Bulgakov Yu.F. and Kavera O.L. (2009), Aerolohiia shakhtnykh ventyliatsiinykh merezh [Aerology of mine ventilation system], Nord-Pres, Donetsk, Ukraine.

About the authors:

Trofymov Vitalii Oleksandrovych, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department «Labour protection and Aerology of State Higher Educational Establishment «The National Technical University» of Ukraine (SHEE «DonNTU» Ukraine),

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Kaviera Oleksii Leonidovych, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department «Labour protection and Aerology of State Higher Educational Establishment «The National Technical University» of Ukraine (SHEE «DonNTU» Ukraine),

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