Dyrda V.I., Bulat Ye.A. Some problems of interrelationship of philosophy and science in context of scientific discoveries in fracture mechanics

UDC 539.3/4.001.5


Dyrda V.I., D. Sc. (Tech.), Professor (IGTM NAS of Ukraine)

Bulat Ye.A., Ph. D. (Jur.), Associate Professor (DSUIA)


The article considers regular link of such philosophical concepts as “chaos”, “order” and “limit” with the same concepts of nonlinear evolution thermodynamically-open systems. The idea that the development of science and philosophy cross each other quite rare firmly entrenched in the modern world of science. Science in solving most of the problems, including difficult-to-organize global systems, uses almost no philosophical arguments.

However, in the study of such fundamental concepts as order, disorder, chaos, limit, etc. science can’t do without fundamental principles of knowledge, which are set out precisely in philosophy.

The paper presents a previously unknown regular link of such philosophical concepts as “chaos”, “order” and “limit” with the same concepts of nonlinear evolution of thermodynamically- open systems, which ((the link) is explained by the fact that during a prolonged destruction of such systems, a new order of their structural parameters is born out of chaos due to the fluctuations and disequilibrium, and fracture criteria serve as limits.

Scientific importance of the established link is that it allows to establish a previously unknown regular connection between intellectual concepts that were previously perceived unrelated, such philosophical concepts as “chaos”, “order” and “limit”, with the same concepts of nonlinear evolution thermodynamically-open systems.

Practical importance of the established link is that it provides a basis for creating structure-synergetic models that allow more objectively consider existence and destruction of both simple and difficult-to-organize dissipative systems, algorithms for calculating durability of such systems with taking into account their nonlinearity and instability of the structural parameters in the lifetime, i.e. evolution systems.


order, limit, chaos, dissipative systems, durability, fracture criteria


  1. Bulat-Korneychuk, Ye.A. and Dyrda, V.I. (2007), “Discoveries in mechanics of destruction: philosophical problems and a postmodern”, Geo-Technical Mechanics, no. 70, pp. 3-16.
  2. Bulat-Korneychuk, Ye.A. and Dyrda, V.I. (2007), “Intellectual link between philosophical categories of limits and criteria of destruction in a context of discoveries”, Geo-Technical Mechanics, no. 71, pp. 3-69.
  3. Bulat-Korneychuk, Ye.A. and Dyrda, V.I. (2006), “History of mechanics of destruction of hard bodies in a context of a right protection of discoveries”, Geo-Technical Mechanics, no. 63, pp. 3-51.
  4. Dyrda, V.I., Bulat-Korneychuk, Ye.A. and Govorukha, V.V. (2008), “Regular link of philosophical concepts chaos, order and limit with the same concepts of nonlinear evolution thermodynamically open systems”, Scientific discoveries, no. 1, pp. 8-10.
  5. Bulat, A.F., Dyrda, V.I., Karnaukhov, V.G., Zviagilskii, E.L. and Kobetc, A.S. (2011-2014), Prikladnaya mekhanika uprugo-nasledstvennykh sred [Applied mechanics of elastic-hereditary media], Naukova dumka, Kiev, Ukraine.

About the authors:

Dyrda Vitaly Illarionovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D. Sc.), Professor, Head of Department of Elastomeric Component Mechanics in Mining Machines, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (IGTM, NASU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bulat Yevgeniya Anatolievna, Candidate of Legal Sciences (Ph. D), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Dnepropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine