Govorukha V.V. Research of load capacity and stress state of point switches and ramps of mine transport

UDC 622. 62: 625.151.3: 625.14


V.V. Govorukha, Ph.D (Tech.), Senior Researcher

(IGTM NAS of Ukraine)


 Experimental and theoretical researches of loading capacity and stress state are conducted for components of point switches and drive ways of the mine transport. The aim of the research is to determine impact of loads induced by the rolling stock on stresses in elements of the point switches and drive way structure. Experimental method of calculation  is presented for studying loading capacity and stress state of the point switches and drive ways induced by rolling stock. The calculation formulas are based on in-field experimental researches in mines where factual loads induced by the rolling stock, loads and stresses in separate elements of the structure were defined. Train speed, loads and stresses were defined by using tensometric gears including force-measuring under-the-rail linings and tensomentric sensors of stresses. The experiment results were processes by methods of mathematical statistics with taking into account the Poisson multidimensional distribution and standardized value of normal deviations.

The experimental and theoretical researches have allowed to define values for coefficients of dynamic impact of a pilot rolling stock on the point switches and drive ways and stresses in the structure elements and to determine their dependences on the value of speed of separate moving units of the train.

The findings were applied in initial technical requirements worked for mine point products production.


point switches and ramps, mine transport, load capacity, stresses


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About the author:

Govorukha Vladimir Vasilyevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), Senior Researcher, Head of Laboratory of Mine Railway Transport in Department of Mining Transport Physics and Mechanics, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (IGTM NASU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .