Коnоvаl S.V. Simulation of explosive breaking of solid media by explosive charges with different cross-section shapes
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2014
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2014, Issue 117
UDC 622.235.8
Коnоvаl S.V., Doctoral Student (State H E I «CSTU»)
Mechanism of brittle breaking of solid media and parameters of stress waves caused by explosive charges with different cross-section shapes was studied. For the laboratory experimental studies, sand and cement (ratio of components was 1:1) cubic models were made. In the course of the models manufacture, inserts forming the cavity for the charge and CTS-19 sensors were placed into the sand-cement paste in order to estimate results of crushing and parameters of stress waves caused by explosion of the explosive charges with different cross-section shapes. To break the models, explosive of Compolight type was used. The charges were initiated by the “Impulse”, “Iskra”, NONEL nonlinear initiation systems. Results of crushing were evaluated by method of sieve analysis. Basing on the results, dependences were established for the particle distributions in the models broken by the charges with different cross-section shapes. Values of maximum amplitude of the stress waves in a compression wave were calculated. Conclusions on the results of the experimental study are presented in the article.
solid medium, explosive, borehole charges, explosion, stress wave, destruction.
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About the author:
Коnоvаl Sergey Vladimirovich,Doctoral Student, Department of industrial and civil construction, State Higher Education Institution «Cherkasy state technological university» (SHEI «CSTU»), Cherkassy, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .