Evstratenko L.I. Research of air motion in caving zones of the Kryvbass mines
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2014
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2014, Issue 117
UDC 622.465.3
Evstratenko L.I., Doctoral Student (State H E I «KNU»)
In the course of the ore extraction from deep horizons, efficiency of ventilation system is under a strong impact of aerodynamically active zones of caving. In these circumstances, a evaluation of reliable parameters of seepages and air flow regimes in the porous media of the mine caving zones is critical for making proper decisions on improving ventilation efficiency in the deep mines.
The article presents evaluated parameters of seepages and air flow regimes in the porous media of the mine caving zones. It is shown that at gas filtration into the porous media, it would be more reasonable to define pressure loss by binomial formula with taking into account parameters of the rock where gas moves. An empirical relationship between parameter of porous medium turbulence and permeability coefficient is described.
mine, collapse zone, porous medium, gas filtration.
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About the author:
Evstratenko LiliaIgorevna, Doctoral Student, Department of mine aerology and labour protection, State Higher Education Institution «National University of Krivoy Rog» (SHEI «KNU»), Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .