2014, Issue 117

Mineev S.P., Shmatovskiy L.D., Dyakun R.A., Zaitsev M.S. Method for powered support control in the faces
Nadutyu V.P., Chеlyshkina V.V., Sukharev V.V. Study on improving quality of magnetic rock classification
Bubnova Ye.A. Method for controllable formation of technogenic deposits in the tailings ponds
Anisimov O.A. Systematization of deep opencasts by length of panels excavated at overburden extraction
Lozhnikov O.V., Romanchenko Yu.V Development of mining reclamation technology for watered residual spaces in the surface mines
Levchenko K.S., Kazola A.D. Opening of deep horizons of catoca quarry with cyclic-flow technology and with steeply inclined conveyor
Rastsvetaev V.A. Additional loads on tunnel arch supports under the action of overhead monorail in the western Donbas mines
Prytula D.A., Sheyko A.B. Moskovskiy O.V. Method for determining duration of new horizon preparation
Dyakun I.L., Kozar I.Yu., Kondratyuk T.D. Research of effectiveness of a combined cogeneration system using heat from a gas-piston module
Tsepkov K.V., Zberovskiy V.V., Nechayev A.V. Software for simulating impulse fluid injection into the coal beds on the borehole simulator
Kholiavchenko L.Т., Demchenko S.V., Nazarov A.E. Erosion processes in combined plasmachemical reactors
Zberovskiy V.V., Polyakov Yu.Е. , Narivskiy R.N. Dynamic parameters of elastic-vibration generator studied at different angles of diffuser disclosure
Shevelyova A.M., Tynyna S.V. Two-dimensional model for the research of protection possiblity of jet mill accelerating tube walls from wear
Коnоvаl S.V. Simulation of explosive breaking of solid media by explosive charges with different cross-section shapes
Evstratenko L.I. Research of air motion in caving zones of the Kryvbass mines
Shevchenko V.G., Slashchov A.I. Development of schemes and algorithms of functioning information complex personnel management for uranium mines
Bunko T.V., Kokoulin I.Ye., Golovko S.A., Zhalilov A.Sh., Bokij A.B. Principles of construction of cluster model produced space of cutting area methane-rich coal mine
Moskovskiy O.V., Gavrilov V.I. Influence hydrodynamic impact on gassy coal seams
Golinko V.I., Yavorskyy A.V., Lebedev Ya.Ya., Yavorskaya Ye.A. Effect of gas-saturated rock mass fragmentation on its heat-exchange with ambient methane-air environment
Cheberyachko Y. I. Assessment of impact of exhalation valve resistance in respirators on human performance
Naumov M.M., Stolbchenko O.V. Improving of filter respirator protective properties test by dust factor
Saveliev D.V. Ways of reducing dust emission during development workings in the coal mine
Novikova Ye.A. Analysis of dust deposit at transporting coal by conveyor
Dolgova T.I., Mironova I.G., Pavlichenko A.V. Assessment of environmental and economic efficiency of iron ore breaking technology using emulsion explosives
Korovyaka Ye.A., Vasilenko Ye.А., Manukyan E.S. Regeneration of methane released from landfills, and possibility of its utilization in Dnipropetrovs’k region