Cheberyachko Y. I. Assessment of impact of exhalation valve resistance in respirators on human performance
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2014
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2014, Issue 117
UDC 614.89
Cheberyachko Y. I ., Ph.D. (Tech.) (State H E I «NMU»)
Interdependence between the workers’ performance at constant load and different levels of exhalation valve resistance. Studies on estimating an impact of pressure drop at the phase of air breathing out from the personal respiratory protection equipment on functional state of a person were conducted by a standard method according to GOST 12.4.061-88 "Method for Determining Performance of a Man Having a Personal Protective Equipment On".
Correlation between the worker’s performance at constant load and different levels of exhalation resistance was specified. It is stated that, when a man is performing a continuous work by running on the treadmill, increasing level of exhalation resistance leads to linear decrease of the man’s performance.
It is further stated that inhalation resistance affects 2 - 3 times more on the functional state of a man than exhalation resistance, thus, limitation of exhalation resistance levels only can provide such decrease of the man’s performance which would be acceptable for fulfilling the given jobs. Therefore, in order to design proper filter respirators, information on impact of filter breathing resistance on the workers’ performance is required.
filter respirator, breathing resistance, performance, safety performance, exhalation valve.
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About the author:
Cheberyachko Yuriy Ivanovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Associate Professor of department Aerology and protection of labour, State Higher Education Institution «National Mining University» (SHEI «NMU»), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .