Naumov M.M., Stolbchenko O.V. Improving of filter respirator protective properties test by dust factor

UDC 622.817: 622.411.5


Naumov M.M., Ph.D. (Tech.) (State H E I «NMU»)

Stolbchenko O.V., Ph.D. (Tech.) (State H E I «NMU»)


Dust fractions have a high sedimentation rate in the air, so dust is mainly accumulated near the source of dust. Therefore, particulate composition of industrial dust, that is particle size, can be regarded as changing within the range from 2 microns to 60 microns. This range should be taken into account when testing personal respiratory protective equipment designed, in particular, for workers of mining companies and coal mines.

A special stand has been designed for testing dust-proofing means which takes into account specific atmosphere in concrete mine and meets European standards.

Different modes of the stand operation were tested in order to determine maximally true distribution of dust particles in the test chamber prior to their distribution in longwalls and preparatory faces. Weight of dust-forming material in the dust generator and air consumption were determined in order to ensure stable parameters throughout the whole time period of the testing.


dust respirator, dust contents, particulate composition of dust.


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About the authors:

Naumov Mykola Mykolayovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Аssistant of Department Aerology and Protection Of Labour, State Higher Education Institution «National Mining University» (SHEI «NMU»), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Stolbchenko Olena Volodymyrivna, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Associate Professor of Department Aerology and Protection Of Labour, State Higher Education Institution «National Mining University» (SHEI «NMU»), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .