Saveliev D.V. Ways of reducing dust emission during development workings in the coal mine
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2014
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2014, Issue 117
UDC 622.235.6: 622.234.57
Saveliev D.V., Doctoral Student (State H E I «NMU»)
Simulation of the rocks explosive destruction including creation of a model of rock mass, formation of blast holes in the rock mass and explosive cavities in the rock samples, charging of the cavities, charge switching and blasting in the special chamber followed by mineralogical and size analysis of fine particles allowed to choose effective ways to reduce dust content in the mine atmosphere in the course of driving permanent workings in the hard rock containing quartz – a key source of silicosis risk.
It was found that use of tamping material consisting of sand and clay mixtures, dolomite dust lignosulfonates, potassium alum and water reduced total concentration of the fine dust by 40-50%. Processing of strong sandstone with 10 %-sodium Na2CO3 increases average diameter of the fine particles in the products of the destruction with fraction 0-100 microns from 10.30 microns to 19.25 microns. In the products of destruction, round debris particles dominate being represented exclusively by quartz grains (90-99%) in contrast to the degradation products of sandstone in untreated surfactant, in which fine particles are mainly represented by V-angled debris.
coal-rock massif, tamping, surfactants, explosive destruction, particle size, dispersion.
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About the author:
Saveliev Dmitry Vladimirovich,Doctoral Student, State Higher Educational Institution «National Mining University» (SHEI «NMU»), Dnеpropetrovsk, Ukraine.