Zemlyanaya Yu.V. Supporting of roadways with big cross-section kept at the border with goaf

Geoteh. meh. 2018, 142, 53-58

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/geotm2018.142.053


Zemlyanaya Yu.V.


Zemlyanaya Yu.V., Master of Science (IGTM, NAS of Ukraine)

UDC 622.268.6

Language: Russian


In this article, a problem of mine roadway supporting in area of its conjunction with longwall and after passing it is considered. In areas under the effect of winning operations, load on the roadway supports increases significantly. Size of the cross section has a significant impact. Therefore, the problem of optimal form of supports in the conjunction areas is of great importance, especially for leaving the roadway for re-use. Displacements of roof and floor rocks were analyzed for various conditions of the belt entry supporting during different periods of its operation: roadway driving, supporting ahead of the first stope and supporting behind the first stope. As well as, rates of displacements and loads on supports at arch and bolt-and-arch technologies of roadway supporting were compared. Calculations shown that use of roof bolts significantly reduced displacement of the roof rocks ensuring operational state of conjugation area between the belt entry and longwall. This is due to the formation of the load-carrying ceiling, which remains in working condition even after the passage of the lava. However, the presence in the roof of a weak layer or interlayer contact outside the anchored area may lead to a disruption of the relationship of the breed-anchor block with the main roof and the possible collapse of the block into production. It is proposed to use the rope bolts with their deep bedding for consolidating the supports, which connect  load-bearing canopy formed by the roof bolts with undisturbed rocks in the depth of the thickness. Rational parameters were determined for the bolt-and arch supports and rope bolts.Use of these designs allowed improving stability of the belt entry and conjugation area with longwall, reducing cost of the longwall preparation and mining, decreasing labour-intensity of the roof supporting in conjugation area between the belt entry and longwall and improving safety of miner work.


roof bolting, rope-bolt supporting, stress-strain state, conjunction of longwall with entry.


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About the author:

Zemlyanaya Yuliya Valerievna, Master of Science, Doctoral Student in Department of Rock Thermoaerodynamics and Automated Systems, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics NAS of Ukraine (IGTM, NAS of Ukraine), Dnepr, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.