Bliznyukov V.G., Lutsenko S.A., Baranov I.V. Development of methodology for determining open pit boundaries

Geoteh. meh. 2018, 142, 59-66



Bliznyukov V.G.,Lutsenko S.A., Baranov I.V.


Bliznyukov V.G. Doctor of Technical Sciences (D. Sc), Professor (KNU «Kryvoy Rog National University»)

Lutsenko S.A. Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor(KNU «Kryvoy Rog National University»)

Baranov I.V. , Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor (KNU «Kryvoy Rog National University»)

UDC: 622.271.33

Language: Ukrainian


When determining open pit boundaries, limiting opencast ratio is calculated basing on technical and economic indexes on the date of the pit design, and its value is constant. Analysis of operation of mining and processing plants showed that their economic indexes and opencast ratios change in time. Objective of the work was to improve methods for determining open pit boundaries by comparing time-dependent parameters of modes of mining operations in the active (base) open pits and open pits under the designing.As an example, open pits are considered, which reflect characteristic features of development of steep dipping deposits in Ukraine, and which demonstrate the effect of current opencast ratios of existing open pits on limiting opencast ratio, which is the main criterion for determining boundaries of mining operations in the open pit under the designing. It is shown that the competitiveness of the enterprise is achieved when the coefficient of opening in the projected career does not exceed the limit spread overlay, which takes into account the economic indicators of the development of the operating (basic) enterprise. The new method for determining open pit boundaries is developed, which assumes the use of limiting opencast ratio, which is not constant and varies in time and depends on change of the current opencast ratios in the competitor open pits. As a result, the theory in the field of determining final contours of the open pits was improved. The new methodology differs from the known ones by considering in-time change of limiting opencast ratio and by determining effect of technological indexes of competitor open pits on the final depth of the open pit under the designing. t is proved that the deviation of the final depth of working out of a conditioned quarry which is projected, which is determined on the basis of comparison of its current openness coefficients with the current coefficients of opening of conditional basic quarries-competitors, from the final working depth of the fixed limit coefficients, the opening can range from 14 up to 45 %.


iron ore open pits; open pit boundaries; limiting opencast ratio.


1. Arsentev, A.I. (1970), Opredelenie proizvoditelnosti i granits karerov [The determining of performance and boundaries of opencast mines], Nedra, Moscow, Russia.

2. Bliznyukov, V.G. (1978), Opredelenie glavnykh parametrov karera s uchetom kachestva rudy [The determining of main parameters of opencast mine with consideration of ore quality], Nedra, Moscow, Russia.

3. Arsentev, A.I. and Polishchuk, A.K. (1967), Razvitie metodov opredeleniya granits karerov [The development of methods of determining the boundaries of opencast mines], Nauka, Leningrad, Russia.

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5. Khokhryakov V.S. (1980), Proektirovaniekarerov [Mines engineering],  Nedra, Moscow, Russia.

6. Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine (2007), Normy tekhnologicheskogo proektirovaniya gornodobyvayushchikh predpriyatiy s otkrytym sposobom razrabotki mestorozhdeniy poleznykh iskopaemykh [The standards of technological projecting of mining plants with opencast mining technology], Kiev, Ukraine.

About the authors

Bliznyukov Viktor Grigorevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D. Sc), Professor, State Higher Education Institutiont «Kryvoy Rog National University» (SHEI «KNU»), Kryvoy Rog, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Lutsenko Sergei Aleksandrovich, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Open-Cast Mining Department, State Higher Education Institutiont «Kryvoy Rog National University» (SHEI «KNU»), Kryvoy Rog, Ukraine,   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Baranov Igor Vyacheslavovich, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Open-Cast Mining Department, State Higher Education Institutiont «Kryvoy Rog National University» (SHEI «KNU»), Kryvoy Rog, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .