Stefanko S.V. Drains of black sands of the northern coast of the azov sea

Geoteh. meh. 2018, 142, 73-83



Stefanko S.V.


Stefanko S.V., Master of Sciences (m.Sc.) (IGTM, NAS of Ukraine)

UDC 549.086:553.068.5(262.54)

Language: Russian


The article, in a short form, outlines the main currently available knowledge about the black sands of the northern coast of the Azov Sea. The article presents general information about manifestation of sand, current knowledge of mineralogical composition and  geography of alluvial deposits with touching upon different opinions about formation of black sand alluvial deposits on the northern coast. The aim of the work is to determine the composition of the ilmenite sand of the sample taken; the selection of rock complexes, which could be the main sources of black sand minerals; description of placer formation. The article further presents in detail results of study of the sample composition taken from one of the placers of such sands. As a result of the study, the mineralogical composition of the sand was clarified, the features of the detrital grains were specified and described, some physical properties were established, and on the basis of this, characteristics of mineral groups were given. As a result of lithologic and petrographic studies, the mineralogical data of previous studies were confirmed, namely, the predominant amount of clastic material of sand, which falls on ilmenite. The composition of the sand were observed magnetite, quartz, monazite, and garnet. Salticha, Anadol, Kamennogilsky granites, the complex of aplite-pegmatoid granites, ferruginous-siliceous formations, as well as complexes of the main and ultrabasic rocks of the Azov megabloc of the Ukrainian Shield can be the primary sources of minerals found in black sands. As a result of the analysis of literature data and the information obtained research identified promising areas with a high content of composite minerals of sand; version of clastic material removal by the rivers to the sea area is described in details and ways to further study this issue are shown; rivers are listed, which can or could be the main transport link in the formation of coastal placers. On the whole, a general picture of placer formation on the coast of the sea is presented. If monazite is regarded as an ore mineral of thorium, the rocks of the selected promising areas can serve as the main area of distribution of this mineral.


black sand, placer, radioactivity, research, fractions, minerals, formation, ilmenite.


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About the author:

Stefanko Sergey Viktorovich, Master of Sciences (m.Sc.), engineer of the Laboratory of Researches of the Structural Changes in the Rock of the Department of Geology of Coal Beds at Great Depths, N Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IGTM, NASU), Dnepr, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

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