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2018, Issue 141
Yalanskiy A.O., Slashchov І.M., Slashchova O.A., Seleznov A.M., Arestov V.V. Development of new auxiliary measures for protecting preparatory roadways by the cast strips
Rubel A.A. Research and improvement of designs of cage guides in the frontal direction
Bulat A.F., Bunko T.V., Shatov S.V., Kokoulin I.Ye., Yashchenko I.O., Papirnyk R.B. Using the UAV for inspecting accident sites and threatened areas in case of emergency situations occurred in coal mines and on build objects
Baranovsky V.I, Savitsky V.V., Burchak О.V. Mechanism of gas-generation track formation in сoal
Bulat A.F., Bunko T.V., Yashchenko I.A., Kokoulin I.Ye., Myroshnychenko V.V., Papirnyk R.B. Standardization of concepts and terms for accident rate and emergency risks in the coal mines and build industry
Chepak O. P., Kostenko V.K., Zavyalova O.L., Tavrel M.I. Determination parameters of geothermal heat-exchangers for biological treatment facilities
Lunova O.V. The metodology for choosing the technological solution allowing optimizing the techno-ecosystem functioning
Rogach Yu.P. Professional competence of mobile technique operator on issues of labour protection as а criterion for estimating risk of his work
Blyuss B.А., Lukianov P.V., Dziuba S.V. Vortex structure dynamics in the slurry enforced flowing at processing the mineral raw materials
Mineev S.P., Prusova А.А., Mineev О.S. Simulation of desorption of methane adsorbed in the coal seam with considering intermolecular sorption interactions in the system
Mineev S.P., Kocherga V.M., Korneev Yu.A., Yanzhula O. S., Gulay O.O., Samopalenko P.M. Research of the methan content effecting on gas-draine efficiency in the stope when boreholes are left in uncontrollable workings
Kusen O.B., Nazymko V.V., Yaitsov O.O. Perfection of construction of frame-anchor fastening of joint resistance
Bulat A.F., Bunko T.V., Sheyko A.V., Kokoulin I.Ye. Decrease of rock-fall risk at the mine workings driving
Sheyko A.V. The improved empirical and naturalistic methods for forecasting methane content in the coal seams
Bulat A.F., Osadcha N.V., Kutumov I.V. Іnstitutional support of space economics
Mineev S.P., Belikov I.B., Samopalenko P.M., Golovko A.M., Samokhvalov D.Yu. Issues of methane release in the working areas during the mining operations
Tytov O.O. Modernization of roll crusher to enhance the efficiency of hard mining rocks destruction
Gorobei M.S. Theoretical research of dynamics of dust flows in underground workings and de-velopment of a physical model for interaction between dispersed liquids and carbon-containing dustsuspended in the air
Shevchenko V.G., Nosal D.A. Procedure for danger identification and risk assessment in the field of labor protection
Antoshchenko N.I., Tarasov V.Yu., Filatyeva E.N. The necessary classification requirements for choosing ventilation scheme for the mine working areas
Slashchov A.І. Improvement of the digital system for the rock stress-strain state forecasting