Dreshpak A.S. Experimental evaluation of the raw material concentration and classification in nonhomogeneous carbonate deposits

Geoteh. meh. 2018,139, 89-98

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/geotm2018.02.089


1Dreshpak A.S.

1National Technical University «Dnipro Polytechnic»


Language: Russian


Processes of concentration of limestone raw materials from the West-Tyaginsky non-homogeneous carbonate deposit are analyzed. Raw materials are characterized by the presence of main component (limestone) and significant volumes of impurities (clay and sandy additives). Concentration of feedstock is carried out by way of its classification when a part of the limestone with clay additives is directed to the dump. Efficiency of screening significantly depends on the raw material humidity. A new roll-finger screen designed by the author makes it possible to improve screening efficiency under conditions of high humidity and, consequently, to upgrade the raw material concentration. Specificity of methodology for conducting a series of experimental studies of the screening process for raw materials with and without using the roller-finger screen is described. Two factors that have a significant impact on the raw material concentration and screening - content of limestone and raw material humidity - are identified. Experimental studies are designed in such a way that, based on them, it is possible to create regression linear dependencies. It was proposed to stabilize, in the process of performing experiments, levels of other parameters that affect performance indicators of the concentration process. Boundaries were determined for the variable parameters. Results of raw material screening in the considered variants with and without use of the roller-finger screen were compared. It was established that at humidity of 6%, the inertial and roll-finger screens had similar screening efficiency, but when raw material humidity was increased up to 12%, screening efficiency was twice increased in variant with roll-finger screen. With using the roller-finger screen, mass of undersize product is increased by 1.75-2 times. Stability of screening within the considered limits of changes of raw material humidity is improved, and concentration efficiency increases by 10-20%.

Key words: limestone, humidity, concentration, finger screen, roller screen, efficiency of screening.


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About the authors:

Dreshpak Aleksandr Stanislavovich, Doctoral Student of the Department «Technological Engineering of Materials Processing», National Technical University «Dnipro Polytechnic», Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.