Sobko B.Yu., Lozhnikov O.V. Determination of efficient dragline cut width on the above-ore bench with drainage wells

Geoteh. meh. 2018, 139, 145-156



1Sobko B.Yu., 1Lozhnikov O.V.

1National Technical University «Dnipro Polytechnic»


Language: Ukrainian


A complex method allowing to carry out the choice in behalf on  the most effective technological chart of development of water contented deposit is presently  absent . The article deals with the research results on determining effective parameters for the above-ore bench elements when dewatering wells are located on it during development of flooded placer deposits. The influence of dewatering wells located on the roof of above-ore bench on the excavation works in the overburden site of the pit is considered. On the basis of established dependence between parameters of above-ore bench elements, number of dewatering wells relocation and the dragline cut width, an effective scheme of dewatering wells transfer on the above-ore bench was determined. It is established that with an increase of dragline cut width from 20 m to 60 m, number of dewatering wells decreases significantly, however, this leads to a decrease of dragline productivity. Schemes for mining the above-ore bench (13-m high) by the dragline ЭШ 10/50 with a cut width 20 m – 60 m, which corresponds to the parameters of the pit development in the Motonovsky MPP, were analized. The performed researches make it possible to establish influence of the dragline cut width on the productivity when overburden rocks are loaded into the trucks. The results of the research allow concluding that with changing dragline cut width within the range of 20 m – 60 m at mining overburden rocks in above-ore bench in the conditions of Motonovsky MPP pit, it is necessary to use up to three draglines. At the same time, it is established that at triple increase of cut width, the dragline output is reduced by 32%. Calculations were made in order to determine time period required for the draglines to mine annual volume of the overburden rocks in the above-ore bench and volume of drilling operations needed for constructing dewatering wells. The effective dragline cut width is determined with taking into account the set operating costs of excavation and drilling operations in the above-ore bench with dewatering wells.

Keywords: surface mining, dragline, mining bench, dewatering wells, cut width, operating costs.


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About the authors:

Sobko Boris Yuchimovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D.Sc.), Professor, Head of the Department of Surface Mining, National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic" (NTU "DP"), Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Lozhnikov Oleksiy Volodymyrovych, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Surface Mining, National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic" (NTU "DP"), Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.