Kreknin K.A. Organization of emergency-restoration works after explosion of gas on a civil and industrial objects

Geoteh. meh. 2018, 139, 157-165



1Kreknin K.A.

1State Higher Educational Institution «Pridneprovsk State Academy of Building and Architecture»


Language: Ukrainian


Purpose. Buildings and structures  of the civil and industrial setting can be blasted or damaged as a result of  technogen catastrophes, natural phenomena, emergences and other extraordinary situations. A question about possibility of renewal of functioning of building or its final destruction and freeing of area for a new building gets up depending on weight of damages. Explosions of gas in civil or industrial buildings or gases of technogeneous origin cause a difficult and very dangerous extraordinary situation, liquidation of which requires involving of essential human and material resources and facilities. Volumes of works on liquidation of extraordinary situation are determined by character and consequences of emergency and by complex of measures, which determine efficiency of the works in time and space. Removal of obstructions from adjoining territory and roads is the most labor-intensive process at liquidation of explosion effects. This fact stipulated scientific task for this research work, which assumed to study specific occurrence of emergency areas subject to emergency-restoration works and to develop criteria of efficiency of the problem solution. Methods. Visual observations, photomapping, analytical processing of the research results. Results. Criteria of efficiency and safety of obstruction removal were determined. On the basis of analysis of performed works on liquidation of consequences of extraordinary situations with collapse of buildings, installations and transportation networks and research works on this problem, factors and requirements are proposed, by which efficiency and safety of processes of ruined building removal and use of facilities of mechanization should be estimated. Dependences are established, which allow forecasting nature of debris formation in obstructions on adjoining territories. Scientificnovelty. The proposed approach to estimation of labour-intensity of emergency-restoration works is the first in domestic practice. Practical importance. The obtained results will contribute to more effective organization of emergency-restoration works and improve quality of liquidation of extraordinary situation.

Keywords: extraordinary situation, explosions of gas, destructions, emergency-restoration works.


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About the authors:

Kreknin Kyrylo Andriyovich , Master of Science, head of laboratory of department of construction and road machines  State Higher Education Institution «Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture» (SHEI «PSACEA»),  Dnipro, Ukraine,