Геотехнічна механіка, 2020, № 152

Bulat A.F., Bunko T.V., Kokoulin I.Ye., Myroshnychenko V.V. Risk-oriented concept in philosophy of technique (2)
Bulat A.F., Bunko T.V., Kokoulin I.Ye., Yashchenko I.A., Ponomarenko V.V. Simulation of dynamic phenomena in the ventilation network due to sudden gas outburst (2)
Voloshin A.I., Rubel A.A., Boyko B.I., Rubel V.A., Kuraeva O.V. Research and development of schemes of the discrete step of reinforcement in the shaft with rope profile conductors (2)
Zberovskyi V. V., Ahaiev R. А., Sofiiskyi K.K., Dehlin B.М., Yukhymenko V.А. Labor safety and control of the working area state in the penals while mining steep coal seams by shield aggregates (2)
Shevchenko V.G., Nosal D.A. On the issue of evaluating efficiency of the occupational safety and health management system in mines (2)
Gorobets L.J., Verhorobina I.V. Theoretical aspects of energy consumption acoustic evaluation at the jet grinding (2)
Kiriia R.V., Monastyrskyi V.F., Smirnov A.M., Nomerovskyi D.А. Limit angle of the belt conveyor inclination at transporting lumpy loads (2)
Nizhnyk V.V., Borysova A.S. Сurrent situation on determination of critical value of heat flow density (2)
Pidhoretskyi Yu.Yu. Research of opening reliability of blast easily disposable systems with honeycomb polycarbonate sheets by finite elements method (2)
Pozdieiev S. V., Nuianzin O. M., Sidnei S. O., Novhorodchenko A. Y., Borsuk O. V. Research heating of the steel i-beam rods with mineral wool coating under the conditions of standard temperature fire regime (2)
Nizhnyk V.V, Nikulin O.F, Pozdeev S.V, Dobriak D.O, Moroz O.I, Kodrik A.I. Experimental method of evaluation of performance easily disposable construction (2)
Shvydenko A.V., Pozdieiev S.V., Kostenko T.V., Zemlianskyi O.М., Sydoruk O.V. Substanti-ation of the method for the calculated evaluation of the resistance of buildings to progressing destruction due to the fire (2)
Antoshchenko М., Tarasov V., Zaika R., Zolotarova O., Zakharova O. On determining coal classification indicators for establishing dangerous properties of mines (2)
Мinieiev S.P., Maltseva V.Ye., Belikov I.B., Ignashov I.А., Samopalenko P.M., Lisnyak S.S., Kirdan A.Yu. The improved methodology for calculating elements for fastening suspended pipes at installing explosion-proof bulkheads (2)
Bulat A. F., Nadutyi V.P., Chelyshkina V.V., Kurilov V.S. Determination of characteristic properties of mineral suspension for calculating the particle veLocity (2)
Bulat A.F., Savytskyi M.V., Bunko T.V., Belikov A.S., Kokoulin I.Ye., Papirnyk R.B. Estimati-on of a possibility to transform a technological complex of the liquidated coal mine into the data processing center (data-center) (2)
Hovorukha V.V., Hovorukha A.V., Kizilov V.K., Sobko T.P., Semidetnaia L.P. Study of the stress state of the sleeper base and sleepers of rail track with accounting variable conditions of their resting (2)
Belikov A.S., Biliaiev N.N., Biliaieva V.V., Berlov O.V. Assessment of the dust pollution level in the workspaces by the methods of mathematical modeling (2)
Alpysbayeva Zh. T. Assessment of working conditions at mining enterprises (2)
Skipochka S.I., Palamarchuk T.A., Prokhorets L.V., Kurinnyi V.P. Investigation of features of shock wave distribution in the rock massif at gas dynamic phenomena (2)
Belikov A.S., Matsuk Z.N. Risk-oriented approach to the issue of industrial safety and energy resource efficiency gas transport enterprises (2)
Polushyna M.V., Moskalova N.V, Gankevich V.F. Static force analysis of a single toggle jaw crusher (2)
Lozhnikov O., Dychkovskyi R. Justification of multi-section clay storage parameters on the pit internal dump during the integrated use mining of placer deposits (2)
Kiriia R.V., Monastyrskyi V.F., Smirnov A.M., Mostovyi B.I. Determination of critical inclination angle for the conveyer with pressure belt (2)
Semenenko Ye.V., Kril S.I., Tatarko L.G. Calculation of the parameters of the hydraulic transport of enrichment waste in poly-ethylene pipes (2)