BulatA.F., Kiriya R.V., Larionov N.G. About a method of presenting results of mathematical modelling of the loaded belt motion on the conveyor roller carriage
Voloshin A.I., Ponomarenko S.N., Gubenko D.I. The equation of thermal energy balance for the leak control by method of fixed volumes
Pashchenko P.S. Detection of methane accumulation zones in the M.I. Kalinin mine
Nikolayev O.V. Ways to increase air-treatment efficiency in the mining enterprises
Krukovskiy A.P., Krukovskaya V.V. Changing of geomechanical parameters of gas-saturated coal-rock massif under gas-dynamic phenomena
Svistun V.K., Pigulevskiy P.I., Kyrylyuk O.S. Petrophysical characteristics of formations and groups of Krivoy Rog iron ore district
Dyakun I.L. Intensification of processes in a fluidized bed at thermal processing of solid fuel
Kozina I.V. Organization of transport control processes of material flows in nonstationarity environment of coal mines
KurnosovS.A., Osenniy V.Ya., Zaderiy V.V., Tsikra A.A., Averkin D.I. Research of interdependence between methods of concrete rib-side track building and the track strength and deformation parameters
Bunko T.V., Dudnik M.N. About measuring of debit in decontamination mining holes by the APR-2 anemometer in mode of turbine consume-measure
Medvedeva O.A. Technologies of man-made placer development in active and closed waste storages
Mametova L.F. Processes of mineral dissolution and regeneration in the sandstones of coal deposits
Mets Yu.S., Antonov A.Yu., Levitskіy A.P. Development of methods of the explosive energy мanagement at open-pits based on linear elasticity
Kondrat O.R. Enhancement of efficiency for further development of a depleted gas condensate fields
Ilyin S.R., Dubinin M.V. Spectral and deformation analysis of systems "vessels - reinforcement" of vertical shafts
Parashchienko I.N. Ground of parameters of methods of decline of noise in mould workshops of enterprises on production of reinforced concrete wares
Kolesnik I.A. Providing of parameters of microclimate at emergency sytuation in systems of heat supply
Dychkovskyi R.O. Some aspects of managing the mining pressure in well underground coal gasification
Stadnik N.I., Yeremin A.V., Tarash Y.V. Optimized operation of a shearer with variable frequency cutting drive
Golіnko V.І., Pustovoi D.S. Use of aerosol charge within corona field effect to intensify dedusting processes of aspiration flows
Slashchov A.I. Development of fuzzy-controller for data analysis of rocks and mine workings condition monitoring
Bunko T.V., Yashchenko I.A., Bokij O.B., Zhalilov A.Sh., Novikov L.A. Decline of ecological risk of troop landings of mine methane in atmosphere at functioning of re-configurated mine ventilation and decontamination systems